If you were hoping to open my blog this day to read a happy, uplifting, cutesy kid story, you'd better exit right now. This story I am about to tell is a sad, horrific, terrible story. It involves a dog, a baby and a toddler.
But Audrey was brave. She said her goodbye's. Poor Baby, she said. Over and over and over and over.
If you continue on from here, it is your own fault. It is Christmastime afterall, and I cannot be responsible for your feeling sadness at what should be a happy time.
And this is how the story goes.
Audrey, the toddler, was playing with her friend Beebe. They were having a great day. Playing, tossing, hiding...all the great things toddlers and Beebe's do.
Well, shortly after lunch, Audrey realized that Beebe had gone missing. She looked high and low for her. At the very last second before naptime, she heard something. Something strangely familiar. It couldn't be. It better not be!!!
It was.
It was the dog. That &*@#@!! dog that lives in the kitchen had somehow gotten ahold of Beebe! It was a sight that nobody should have been allowed to see. After a long standoff by bad dog, we were able to get Beebe back. But....it wasn't pretty.
Audrey begged to see her one last time. It was almost too much for her to take.
But Audrey was brave. She said her goodbye's. Poor Baby, she said. Over and over and over and over.
She even asked if she would be able to give Beebe her feet for Beebe to use. But the doctors said it wouldn't help.
Audrey had a talk with the authorities.
and it was decided that "Bad Dog" was to be quarantined forever in the klink.
R.I.P Beebe....
You kill me.
Great shots..
Great story...
Adorable toddler....
Poor Poor Beebe..RIP ;o(
luv your documentary. poor, pitiful beebe- may she find peace.
OH, that is too much for me!!!! You are too creative to document the incident like you did. Poor Beebe and poor Audrey. How sweet of her to offer her own fee for Beebe. Love it!!!!
Okay, I'm laughing and crying at the same time! Poor Audry, poor Bebee! Remember, you love that dog Pep...remember! :-)
You made my day! So sorry about Beebe. :( Love ya!
OMG you CRACK me up!! Thanks for the smile in a not so smiley kind of day LOL!! Love Ya! xoxo
You, my dear, remind why I love you so much. Great story. I am still laughing.....
LMBO thanks for brightening my day with your humor. My condolences to Audrey
RIP Beebe
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